Anne-Laure Wirotius

Anne-Laure Wirotius picture

Category: Alumni

Status: Engineer

Employer: CNRS

Team: Polymerization catalyses and engineering

Location: ENSCBP building A office N1-16

+33 5 56 84 79 04


 Responsibility of the two NMR spectrometers of the laboratory


Education and experience

NMR engineer at LCPO since december 2010, DE. Anne-Laure WIROTIUS develops sequences on polymer studies (DOSY, quantitative silicium, presaturation, …) for the LCPO students and researchers, and for contracting companies.

Since may 2017, she started a PhD thesis under supervision by Prof. D. TATON on “Heterogeneous and semi-heterogenous supports from polymers containing N-heterocyclic carbenes for organic and organometallic catalysis”

Latest publications

  • Functional polyesters via ring-opening copolymerization of $\alpha$–hydroxy–$\gamma$–butyrolactone and $\epsilon$-caprolactone: La[$N(SiMe_3)_2]_3$ as an efficient coordination-insertion catalyst figure

    Functional polyesters via ring-opening copolymerization of $\alpha$–hydroxy–$\gamma$–butyrolactone and $\epsilon$-caprolactone: La[$N(SiMe_3)_2]_3$ as an efficient coordination-insertion catalyst Journal article

    Pascouau Chloé, Wirotius Anne-Laure, Carlotti Stéphane, Cramail Henri, Peruch Frédéric

    Journal title: European Polymer Journal, Volume(s): 185, Page(s): 111793 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2022.111793 (2023)

  • Ring-Opening Copolymerization of α-Hydroxy-γ-butyrolactone and ε-Caprolactone. Toward the Metal-Free Synthesis of Functional Polyesters figure

    Ring-Opening Copolymerization of α-Hydroxy-γ-butyrolactone and ε-Caprolactone. Toward the Metal-Free Synthesis of Functional Polyesters Journal article

    Pascouau Chloé, Méreau Raphaël, Grau Etienne, Wirotius Anne-Laure, Carlotti Stéphane, Cramail Henri, Peruch Frédéric

    Journal title: ACS Applied Polymer Materials, Volume(s): 5, Issue(s): 8, Page(s): 6685-6694 10.1021/acsapm.3c01303 (2023)