The LCPO in a few words
Since its creation in 1985, the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO) has been focusing its academic research in Polymer Science on the mechanisms of polymerization and macromolecular engineering.
While these two domains are still the background of our activity, important projects are oriented towards the design of functional high value-added polymers and the study of their macroscopic properties for target applications, in particular in the domains of life sciences, energy and technology. Green and biomimetic synthetic approaches together with the understanding of structure/properties relationships are presenting the core of our scientific strategy.”
LCPO seminar: Bilal Erradhouani
Auditorium, Bât B
LCPO Seminar: Clément Desgouliere
Amphi 1
Marie Klein's Ph.D. Defence
Amphi 1