Light scattering

The LCPO has a strong expertise in light scattering. Light scattering analysis allows characterizing the size, the molar mass, the solubility and the aggregation number of polymer chains or colloidal particles in solution. We have at LCPO all instruments to perform Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Static Light Scattering (SLS) and laser diffraction granulometry. These advanced techniques are routinely used to characterize various polymers with self-assembly properties.

Dynamic Light Scattering:


  • Malvern Zetasizer NanoZS (90°) with Dip Cell ZEN1002 for zeta potential measurement in apolar media and automated pH titrator (MPT2)
  • 2 Cordouan Vasco 135° (turbid samples)
  • Cordouan Vasco Flex 165° (in situ DLS)

Multi Angle light Scattering (SLS and DLS):


  •  ALV/CGS-3 compact goniometer (from 20° to 150°)
  • Cordouan Thétis (depolarized DLS for anisotropic objects)

Laser diffraction granulometry:


  • Malvern Mastersizer 3000
  • Hydro SM and Hydro SV (small volume) dispersion cells



  • Formulaction Turbiscan LAB