Angela Mutschler

Angela Mutschler picture

Category: Faculties

Status: Assistant professor

Employer: Univ. Bordeaux

Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences

Location: ENSCBP building A office N2-27

+33(0)5 5684 6196


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Main Research Areas: Drug Delivery Systems – Nanomedicines – Self-assembly – Pharmaceutical technologies – Antimicrobial coatings


Education and experience

Dr. Angela Mutschler is assistant professor at LCPO since 2018. She received a PhD in Physics and Chemistry from the University of Strasbourg in 2017. During her PhD, she developed new antimicrobial coatings for medical devices by using peptides and polypeptides. In 2017, she joined the group of Dr. Benoit Frisch at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Strasbourg as temporary professor working on antimicrobial compact polyelectrolyte complexes. Now she focuses her research on the development of new smart drug delivery systems by using polymer, polypeptide and polysaccharide-based block copolymer assemblies, among which polymersomes.

Achievements and functions

Young Scientist Award – EMRS 2016 and 2nd student price – AVIESAN forum for Health Innovation in France and Québec 2016

Teaching activities

Dr. Angela Mutschler is teaching in the pharmaceutical faculty of the University of Bordeaux, where she gives lectures and practical classes on pharmaceutical technologies: Physical and chemical properties of excipients – Drug biodistribution – Pharmaceutical form design and formulation (oral administration, parental administration, solid preparations…)

Scientific production

Dr. Angela Mutschler is co-author of 12 publications and co-inventor of 4 patents. She has an H-index of 7 (April 2023).

Latest publications

  • Solution behavior and encapsulation properties of fatty acid-elastin-like polypeptide conjugates figure

    Solution behavior and encapsulation properties of fatty acid-elastin-like polypeptide conjugates Journal article

    Zhang Tingting, Peruch Frédéric, Weber Amélie, Bathany Katell, Fauquignon Martin, Mutschler Angela, Schatz Christophe, Garbay Bertrand

    Journal title: RSC Advances, Volume(s): 13, Issue(s): 3, Page(s): 2190 10.1039/d2ra06603c (2023)