Pierre Lalanne

Pierre Lalanne picture

Category: Alumni

Status: PhD candidate

Employer: Bordeaux University

Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences

Supervisors: Sébastien Lecommandoux, Elisabeth Garanger

Location: N2-23

+33 5 56 84 79 56


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Key Research Area : Polymersome - Bioconjugation - Polymer Synthesis - Click Chemistry - Immunology

Thesis Project : T-cell - polymersomes conjugates as a new vectorial strategy against CMV


Education and experience

Pierre Lalanne did his training at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay in the Chemistry department and a Master 2 on Chemistry and Life Sciences at PSL University.

Teaching activities

TDs and TPs for the License 2/3 at Bordeaux University