Hanaé Dupont and Florian Aubrit present images from their experimental work on the occasion of the "Nuit Européenne des Chercheur.e.s"
Quentin Passet, former Ph.D. candidate at LCPO, introduces his company, eio, on FranceInfo TV
Hanaé Dupont and Nils Demazy won "best presentation awards" on the occasion of the "Scientific-Day" of the Graduate Research School
LCPO researchers show some of the bio-based polymers developed in the LCPO on National News
LCPO researcher explains that chewing gums are made of polymers on National News
Étienne Grau obtains the joint SCF/GFP award!
Reopening of the LCPO
L'Oréal and LCPO create a joint laboratory dedicated to the innovation of "green" polymers
Inauguration of the ELORPrintTec platform